Since 2009 Inoxveneta has introduced and developed this innovative technology to provide customers with high quality metal sheet and stainless steel tubes with special geometries and performance. Our aim is to manage and drive the metalworking at an excellence levels to create value for our customers over time.
The characteristics of INOXVENETA SPA are unique in this field of application
It’s essential for the Designer to work closely with the Inoxveneta R&D so that the hydroforming process will be always at the center of the activity:
As hydroforming is usually an operation included in a production cycle and it incorporates a number of steps, it’s important to take into account the operations before and after this step.
Our structure and our approach is flexible, able to communicate effectively with both large international groups and small and medium-sized enterprises. For each customer, we aim to identify the most appropriate flexible operating process, adapting our job to its needs.