Hydroforming for espresso coffee machine components

Construction of hydroformed side for espresso machine

Italy exports professional coffee machines up to the most remote corners of the world to witness Italian leadership in design. One of the features of the espresso machine is the side that has seen, in recent years, an ever wider use of stainless steel instead of plastic materials.

On of the characterising parts of the espresso coffee machine is the side panel, an always visible aesthetic component. Nowadays espresso machine manufacturers tend to reduce the use of plastic in side panels. Stainless steel communicates solidity, resistance, value added to an operator investing a substantial amount in a coffee machine he will need to serve his clients for years.

Clients problem and needs

Our customer chose to design a side panel with solid forms for his new top-of-the-range professional espresso machine. He chose stainless steel over plastic ad expressed the need to

Inoxveneta solution: hydroformed side

Sheet metal hydroforming of 1.4301 (AISI304) stainless steel was the right answer to all these needs, warranting quality, process flexibility and very low tooling costs.

Indeed, our client is fully satisfied and the machine has proven to be a success. A hydroformed component for a new machine is now already in production.

Hydroforming is also a great solution for coffee machine corner and rear panels, as well as collection trays.

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